Equestrian Science Major | From Durham, North Carolina

What interests you about your major?
I love learning absolutely everything related to horses, so when I found out that equestrian science was a degree option, I instantly knew that was what I wanted to study.
Why did you choose WWU?
The professors were friendly, responsive, and willing to answer all of my questions. The students were welcoming and kind for my campus visits. My deciding factor, however, was actually that the barn is right there on campus- I absolutely love how close I am to the horses!
What do you like/love about The Woods?
This has truly become my home. I have a fantastic support system, with friends and teachers I can go to for anything I need. I also get to spend my free time with the horses, which is my favorite activity. Finally, I have been blessed with many opportunities since coming here, and I have grown significantly as an equestrian and also as a human.
What are your plans after graduation?
I’m not entirely decided on my post-graduation plans quite yet. I am lucky enough to have a couple of job options open. However, I am strongly contemplating graduate school, as my college journey has given me an interest in psychology in addition to horses–specifically sport psychology– with a focus on equestrian performance. Wherever I end up, I will certainly be spending lots of time at the barn!
How did the Honors program help you?
The most helpful thing for me personally was the variety of classes. I had already fulfilled many of my general education credits prior to attending WWU, so I didn’t need to cover many of those. However, with the required honors classes, I had to take a psychology class, which reminded me of my interest in that field. Psychology is now my minor and I am considering graduate school in that area.
What’s your favorite part of the Honors program?
My favorite part of the honors program is the cohort that I am with. I got to know everyone in the program well since we all lived in the same hall freshman year. We became very close, and getting to still take classes with all of my honors friends is awesome.
To apply to be an honor student, simply go to the honors page on the William Woods website, fill out the form and write a brief essay. It’s that easy! Any applicant with at least a 26 ACT and GPA of at least 3.2 is encouraged to apply! www.williamwoods.edu/Academics