President Moreland on stage announcing Boy Scouts partnership

William Woods announces partnership with Boy Scouts of America

As part of an exciting new partnership, anyone connected to the Boy Scouts of America – including employees, volunteers, Scout leaders, members and their immediate families – are now eligible for enhanced educational benefits at William Woods University(WWU).

The new agreement between WWU and the National Eagle Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, Great Rivers Council was recently announced at the organization’s quarterly meeting in Columbia. Effective immediately, all employees, volunteers, Scout leaders, members and their immediate families will have access to the following educational opportunities at The Woods:

  • Eagle Scouts wishing to attend the traditional undergraduate or graduate programs on the WWU campus in Fulton will receive a scholarship equal to 60% of the standard tuition for residential or commuter enrollment. This scholarship may be utilized in addition to any other scholarships which the student may qualify for, such as those for legacy, honors, or hometown, up to 65% of tuition.
  • Eagle Scouts, Boy Scouts of America employees, volunteers, Scout leaders, members and their immediate families will receive a tuition discount equaling 20 % of the standard tuition for all online programs through the University’s online presence, Woods Global. This includes undergraduate through doctoral programs as well as certificates.

“The Boy Scouts of America has been so pivotal in the lives of young people, preparing them to make lifetime moral and ethical choices by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law,” said Dr. Jeremy Moreland, President of William Woods University. “We are pleased to enter into this partnership with them, where virtually everyone associated with creating a positive Scouts experience, from members and their immediate families to troop leaders and volunteers, has the opportunity to benefit from a William Woods education.”

“The partnership with William Woods University underscores the paramount importance of the Boy Scouts of America mission in shaping tomorrow’s leaders,” said John Fabsits, Scout Executive/CEO of the Boy Scouts of American, Great Rivers Council.  “Through this collaboration, WWU is investing in empowering Eagle Scouts, families, and our volunteers by furthering their education, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to make a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.”

If you are a member of the Boy Scouts and would like to learn more about how to take advantage of this partnership, fill out this form:

If you are interested in exploring an organizational partnership with William Woods University, please email Kathy Groves at