William Woods graduate, current EdD student lands appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America after securing national grant for student mental health

When Adam Easterwood ‘16 became Superintendent of Schools at the Leeton (Mo.) R-X School District in July 2023, never in his wildest dreams did he think that his first year on the job would include appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America and chatting up Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey.

But there the William Woods graduate and current student in the University’s Doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD) was, on national television on the morning of September 10th, discussing his school’s successful securing of a $327,000 grant through the McConaughey’s Greenlights Grant Initiative to fund student mental health.

“It was surreal,” said Easterwood, who received his Specialist in Educational Leadership from WWU in 2016 and anticipates completing his EdD in the Spring of 2025. “Everyone there (at Good Morning America in New York) was incredibly welcoming and easy to work with, and it was inspiring to connect with multiple agencies that work day in and day out to ensure schools have the resources they need to support their students.”

“And as for Matthew McConaughey – he is just as advertised,” he added. “He cares about people and he is very passionate about giving students the support they need to be productive, healthy human beings.”

Easterwood’s moment on the big stage was the culmination of a new commitment to student mental health and school safety he spearheaded when he assumed the role of superintendent in Leeton, a community in Johnson County (West-Central) Missouri.

“One of the first initiatives our administrative team undertook was a student needs audit,” he said. “Early in the process, it became evident that our students lacked sufficient behavioral and mental health supports.”

Easterwood and his team learned of an opportunity to fund such needed supports through something called the Greenlights Grant Initiative, sponsored by Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey.  

“School safety and mental health are complex and multifaceted issues,” Easterwood said. “In response to the school shooting tragedy in Uvalde, Texas (McConaughey’s hometown), the McConaughey family felt compelled to help schools access funding for student mental health support. Their approach represents a shift from the traditional “hardening of schools,” which is often seen as a quick fix for school safety concerns.  Research indicates that fostering a sense of community and belonging, alongside providing students with the tools to cope with traumatic events, significantly reduces the likelihood of violence in schools.”

The Greenlights team worked closely with Easterwood and the rest of his administrative team at Leeton on the grant proposal, helping to narrow its focus and sharpen its vision to meet the grant’s requirements. Earlier this Spring, they were thrilled to learn that the grant proposal was accepted. With the $327,000 in funding, the Leeton school system was able to hire a school-to-home social worker and a behavioral interventionist, while partnering with Character Counts, a K-12 character-based curriculum, to further support all its students.

In addition, Easterwoord learned after the school won the grant that there was a potential of appearing with McConaughey himself, and other school administrators, on an upcoming Good Morning America broadcast to discuss the grant. After two video screening calls with producers from the show, Easterwood got the call to travel to New York City to appear on the live broadcast – in front of millions of people watching from around the country!

“We had been in discussions about this for months, but the final details didn’t come together until September 4th (less than one week before the appearance),” Easterwood said. “I traveled to New York City last Sunday, and on Monday had a pre-production dinner with a few of the other panelists, where we engaged in some meaningful conversations. Tuesday was showtime!”

And as for butterflies?

“In the back of your mind, you’re always aware that it’s a live national broadcast,” he said.
You just have to push that aside and focus on the conversation. It’s easy to tell a story when you’re living it, especially when you are advocating for things that can help your students every day.”

All in all, it was a whirlwind first year as superintendent for Easterwood, who worked as a building level principal in the Knob Knoster (Mo.) School District before assuming the top role in Leeton. His experience at The Woods certainly played a big part of his success as a school administrator.

“I chose William Woods University because of the relevant curriculum,” Easterwood said. “The professors are knowledgeable, and many are current or recent practitioners who use practical, real-world approaches to guide us through the program.”

“The Specialist and EdD programs at William Woods are giving me valuable insights in educational writing, and are honing my ability to plan, develop and articulate a clear vision, both in writing and leadership,” he went on. “William Woods has not only inspired me to pursue goals for myself and district that once seemed beyond reach, but has also instilled in me the importance of perseverance and resilience.”

Values that can make you a better leader, help you accomplish big goals and maybe even secure you an appearance on national television, rubbing shoulders with a famous Hollywood actor.